2020-12-21 ------------------------------------------------------------------ It's going to be a dark christmas. Even on a normal year it's a time of depression for many. What will it be this year? I am not in any really problematic situation myself, but even so I feel the pressure. I don't think I have any other option but to not meet any of my family at this time. At the same time, I don't want to seem judgemental of their choices. I know part of my family will be having almost a normal christmas celebration. Is it "right"? I don't know. To myself it seems like if enough people do this, we will have an explosion of cases. But if they have made their decision, I also don't feel like I want to bring them down by explaining my reasons for not joining them. I feel responsible towards the society and towards my family. So, thinking about this little dilemma it occurs to me that many many people will have a lot worse problems on their hands. Not that this hasn't been the case during the year, but I think that around christmas it will take a sharper focus. The small things will seem bigger. Also, there may be a tendency to try to brush the small things aside, saying "So many have it worse. This is not worth worrying about." These things pile up. It seems pretty gloomy to me. There's something paralyzing in it. I have a similar sense of foreboding about christmas as I had in the spring, when shit was going down in Italy. During the past year I have come to see myself in a strangely dual way. I go to this slightly catastrophising mode where I intuit things. I almost see these forces as ghosts that move slowly over the world, pulling things in with their gravity. Then I sort of pull myself out of it and try to see that this image might be one possibility but it is more often than not on the negative side. I see things more pessimistically in this intuitive mode. Jung started his career based on this sort of intuition. He thought he had a premonition about the beginning of the world war. Actually, he thought he was crazy but the beginning of the war "saved" him, since it gave him some confidence that his vision was not only a sign of illness. He kept recording these images and made a special private book about them. He thought of it as a sort of bible or some monolith that he built himself up with. This book has only been published ten years ago. It's called the Red Book. I have been thinking I should start something similar. ------------------------------------------------------------------