2021-08-08 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Been a while. It's been summer. I think I may be the least digital I have been in decades. I think it's possible the time I spent on the machines over the summer can be counted in hours. Not to say that as some sort of accomplishment. It was not premeditated. I am in a different place, that's all. The complete disillusionement. It was a very social summer for me. I think we had some sort of guest almost all time. There was a weekend I had for myself and I used it to finally get the kayak I bought many many years ago for an overnight trip. I thought I'd be paddling some 50 kilometers in a few days, but it happened that I underestimated the amount of time it takes to get through these little rapids that were on the way. This was a route that I didn't know about and that had no information about it online. It just seemed on the map that it should be possible to get through. It turned out I was carrying the boat and the gear through unknown bushes, wading through some shallow rapids with rocks rolling on the bottom, racing a thunderstorm to a possible camping spot. Stuff like that. A bit out of my league. And the weather turned as well. It had been extremely warm for over a month, so I didn't even think about taking my serious sleeping bag with me. On the first night I didn't sleep at all, as I couldn't get any reasonable sleeping arrangement built. On the second night I was doing a lot better, deciding to ditch the hammock and use the inflatable kayak as a bed. Even so, I woke up a few times for the cold. In the end I decided to stop at the point when I had cleared the river system. There was a bigger road there and a rest stop where I could get a meal while waiting for a taxi to pick me up. All in all I was quite happy with the trip, even though I didn't get to where I thought I'd get to. Learned a lot, as I never tried this before. Now it's behind me, the boat is in need of repair, and another season of work is ahead. There were some news that made me question the reasonableness for this workplace to satisfy me in some rather deep motivational way. During the summer about half of my team quit. They all had their individual reasons, it seems, but still, I think it is very much a feature of the workplace. I am not sure if I have told about the workplace that much. It is a charity organization, so they are really not into rewarding payment schemes. More for the good cause, right? I didn't think of it as a deal breaker before, coming from freelancing, where you literally don't know where your next month's rent comes from. Compared to that it seemed like an improvement. Now, though, I see it like this: If you are not willing to pay for the talented people to stay in, then who are the ones that are left? It's not necessarily that no talented person will stay, but it is quite clear that there is a price to be paid. For example, now that we lose these people, the collective memory of our team drops by something like eight years, as the most senior member is gone. This is pretty serious, I would say. Another very real price is that this attitude with not respecting your employees for the good work they do is pushing the workplace culture away from "excellence", whatever we mean by that. Is it not in line with the goals of a charity organization to have talented and committed people working extra hard for the common goal? The answer seems, they are expendable. There is always another talented idealist waiting on the sidelines. I bet this attitude isn't all that different from the profit based corporations. It's just that the idealism adds one extra layer to be exploited. In a regular corporation you can always say "let's be real here, no one is going to die if we don't produce the quota" but this is not the case when talking about humanitarian organizations. So, it makes it seem very selfish of me to talk about things like personal motivation and salary, doesn't it, as people are actually dying, in some probabilistic way, if more money is spent on a communications person instead of the actual program that the organization is responsible for? Well, lets say that by giving people a raise once in a while, you make them stay one year longer in the company than they would have otherwise. That could be 30% or 10% more out of that person, who already knows how the stuff works. You take a new person, you need to spend a year to get them to a level that this other person already was. So, practically you have wasted two years of productivity. How much is that in euros? A lot more than it would have been to give that raise. And what about that poison seeping into the workplace culture? If the workplace starts to look like a stepping stone rather than a career, what then? Only beginners and the nearly retired will stay. It's a downward spiral, even if the beginners were very talented. There are things you can't learn in school. It is a strange challenge for me. I don't really see a clear way forward. Are there workplaces where a worker is valued? Isn't the mission, whether it's making money or saving the world, always going to be more important than making sure you keep the best people in? I've been thinking about this some days now, and the most realistic option for me might be to just start looking for side gigs in worthwhile enterprices. Not even as a full time employment, but as the sort of work where I could do something to the limit of my capabilities. That in itself is rewarding, but this has also been taken from me with the full employment. You see, it is never reasonable to take any project to it's artistic limits or even to some technical limit. If you make it 10% less "perfect" you will save 30% of resources or something to that effect. So I am thinking if it was possible to offer my services in an extremely niche way. In that way I could bootstrap myself out of this situation, possibly. There are ways in which I could be extremely useful that are not in fact marketable at all, in this day and age. There is always this gravity pulling all the individual expression into these easily marketable slots, but the stuff that is left out of the slot is the most profitable. Well maybe that's enought of work for now. The last point relates to some of my more philosophical thoughts of late. The one-size-fits-all world. It's this tension between how business as usual is still working towards this world of replaceable units, while the ego trip of social media is pushing towards ever more defined personal identity, with all the associated group identities tagging along. It will just clash more. I would guess that these two are fundamentally not reconciable. I suppose the best possible scenario is that some of the most evil companies will have to change or go under. I doubt that. It's more likely that people will keep working under conditions that they would not otherwise tolerate, telling themselves a story of themselves as moral beings, while silently going along with the company goals. This will be paid in mental illnesses, which will be suffered by the individual, not the company, of course. Another little droplet of wisdom: You know when they say that the pendulum has to swing the other way? It sets this image of the two things being 180 degrees apart. Well, it seems to me that whenever the pendulum swings, there is some secret force that makes it skew off it's mark and hit someplace else that happens to profit someone who might have had enought power to make that skew happen. This is another way of saying, I am really tired of any structured information, since it gives the presenter of the information with this power of the fake pendulum. Like, a debate as a structured information presentation, for example. What went into selecting who is on the other side of the issue? And what is "the other side"? There could be 360 different perspectives of disagreeing with the argument. Why is that way the way? After detoxing your information intake of the structured media, stay on guard, as you still have the problem of echo chambers. It's hardest to avoid the truly well meaning people from pulling you into their chamber. ------------------------------------------------------------------