2021-08-10 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The long time spent outside the civilization physically, but still connected enough to hold a regular job has made me think a bit differently about the concept of a city. It's a monopoly! Of course it's not a business per se, but still, it is an entity that is using (now) unfair power to control the individuals. The reason it is now unfair is because we have no actual reason to stay clumped together like this. Before the internet I could see the point of having a city. Strange enough I have heard some strange ideas of building high speed rails and such to connect mediocre cities into a good sized city. The idea is that you have to have the critical mass to get the sort of innovation that we hear they have in the special cities in the States. I find it weird that they don't just tackle the far easier problem than moving millions of people daily on some mega train, just build an internet that works almost as good as meeting in person. You would get the biggest city of them all with all the critical mass you want. I suppose the problem there might be that it isn't anyone's city. It would be the first global city. Who would pay their taxes and to whom? ------------------------------------------------------------------