2021-11-23 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The time feels ominous. Ever since I was afflicted by a mental health crisis of sorts, I have not felt very secure in my balance. Or maybe at times I am in balance, but those times are forgotten when I feel out of balance. It's all subjective, and that is the problem. I don't trust that my current subjective state is as reflective of reality as it might be in other times. Or worse, it could be more reflective of reality now, but at normal times muddled and distracted. Normalcy seems so sterile as well. It's like these walking dead bureaucrats occupying higher rungs at the office. And most people I have sympathy for seem to somehow be becoming worse with age..? Or maybe I am becoming more cynical with age? I remember a time in the past when most people were emitting some pure being: "This is who that person wants to be". But some years down the line they have given up, or maybe I have given up on them and see their future worse than it is. I can only think it is the grind getting to them or to me. And I can see that my successes are the things that are trapping me. I have more than I ever did, and I see no real reasons out there that will come to take it away. It's only the subjective that can take it. I feel like remaining where I am is an existential risk somehow, and if I act on that feeling, I will lose what I have gained. There is also a deeper problem with leaving the grind behind: I don't believe anymore in the lifestyle I used to have before the grind. The brutality and stoicism of not having anything can only be sustained by a belief. Of course that is true of all the other ways too.. I am just not sure I have any belief for any way at the moment. It might be the virus era has done this, whether it is me or most everyone else. It brought in the feeling that things might just not get better anymore. With all the disaster movies we've been primed with, it may be almost pavlovian. I can't see a leverage point, and I am not sure I would know what to use if for if I found it. ------------------------------------------------------------------