2024-06-05 ------------------------------------------------------------------ What to say when you have stood on the edge of the world for long enough that you can see it's outline? There! There it is! I know that practically no one else sees it. "Consensus reality check... Check, check?" Rationalism is a fear reaction for when you can't trust your intuition anymore and are afraid to keep waiting for an answer you would accept. "Do not take a step back! Keep looking through the hole." What I had seen as a ball of anxiety floating over me has been massaged into a more fluid state. Now it most often bubbles into my view as a slight distortion of the visual signal. Sometimes if feels like it's a border to the Unconscious right next to me. Like this world is being pushed by the other world. Sometimes when I open my eyes I expect to see a creaturely face in front of me. "There are no prophets! There is no signal. It's all noise." The symbols that come through are not decoherent any more. The anxiety was what it was since the symbols were pushing through with a pressure that was making them mesh into each other and rush by with incomprehensible speed. Or maybe they combined into something with a distorting amount of gravity. I filled twelve notebooks with drawings of the symbols. I started by drawing my dreams. Then I picked themes and object from them and elaborated on them. Sometimes there are hypnagogic states when waking up or falling asleep. I don't necessarily "see" much. It is more like I sense the distortion of the visual field in certain shapes or in specific states of movement. Sometimes, although rarely, some symbol presents itself as a complete visual concept that doesn't take any sketching to bring it forward. From outside all this would seem like I have become some sort of religious fanatic. Part of me still thinks this, of course. But, I have discovered so many parts of my Self now that I can relativise the rationalist skeptic and try to give witness to the other parts a bit more. The rationalist always has to stay "outside" us, since he is using the tools of the collective. The consensus reality means voting on what is real. Only the lowest common denominator can win as always with voting. Being subtle does not work there. Following intuition I try to stay afloat, above the sinking rut of rationalism. But with intuition, you can only dimly sense the next step and the overall direction. Rationally you could see further, but you would be confined to keep your feet on the ground. Intuition is part of the phenomelogical perspective. It is there because you sense it is there. It is not provable from outside. But, neither is consciousness or free will. I can experience them from inside but not from outside. When you think rationally, you don't stay within your own experience, but rather "imagine" being a 3rd person to the experience. What would happen if I rid myself of the habit of falling into this imaginary 3rd person? Interesting that it is the 3rd. It is not enough to separate yourself from your experience by relating to an imaginary friend who you can talk to, as you might to a second person. You are from my perspective at this moment of writing the second person. And I must be a second person from your perspective. But the 3rd person is somewhat creepier. He does not participate and he cannot be addressed. He is just looking. I have met several beings during the past year. They are not 3rd but not quite 2nd either. These categories are false, I think. The beings have their own existance, but they speak through me sometimes, as if telepathically. I did this practice called Active Imagination for three weeks and travelled through a war torn land. In the end I found a symbol and my anxiety basically disappeared. What happens in the mind is real. That is the taboo of our time. If I see a being and communicate with it, the experience of this communication does something to me. And it does something to the being, even if that being does not exist in the consensus reality. I came to consider even time itself being affected in the same way. By my activity I might not only change the future, but also the past. Why? Otherwise I cannot have free will. Causality binds the present, the future and the past. The most economical way to have free will is to allow causality to flow backwards. Of course, this is not a rationalist argument, but a phenomenological. There is nothing in the field of my experience that says moments flow only forward. At the moment I feel that it is a knife's edge, but it might just be my vertigo speaking. Maybe people fall into this and we just never hear from them again. Why would we if we are on the floor, in the rut? They are falling towards the space. If it is an edge, it is about balancing the negation of a negation all over again. There can never be anything more solid than the intuition, and that is not at all solid. Not an inch to stand on. I never thought there would be such a radical question of "believing in yourself" as what the encounter with this another world poses. It is very much a leap of faith. And "faith" is not really something in my vocabulary. It is ok to do some soul searching and a little magick here and there, some mystical journeying and deep talks, but what if the road starts turning into something more like prophesy or channeling? It is not an empirical study into my mind anymore. Study of mind can be done with no concept of "faith", let alone the experience of it. And I am not talking about the sort of faith in god's law or belief in pope or whatever it is that they do to keep up the walls of the tower. I am talking about faith in the basic reasonableness or coherence of the world behind the constructions that we have inherited, including things like "logic". The mystic learns how to swim in the water that the schizophrenic drowns in. It is terrifying though. ------------------------------------------------------------------