16 April 2016, 22:53 Just a few minutes ago, this gopherhole was born. I've had plans for setting up one for quite a while now, but I've always put it off. Until now. I guess you could say it didn't go as swimmingly as hoped. Registering on SDF was no problem, nor was creating the gopherhole. The thing is, I managed to make an oaf of myself in the chatroom right off the bat, which is more typical than I'd like to admit. I learned from my mistakes though, and that's what counts.... I think. I'm planning to write something here at least weekly, whenever inspiration strikes me. It doesn't have to be profound, it doesn't have to be groundbreaking, it's just that writing stuff, however meaningless, seems to help me get my mind off things. I think gopher is the ideal way to do this, since I know there won't be many people (if at all) reading my incoherent ramblings, but I also know there is the chance that someone stumbles here, which might work motivatingly. We'll have to see. I think that's all for today, I need to get up pretty early tomorrow. This is ungen, signing out. Was finished 16 April 2016, 23:01