Today was a good day. I have finally passed my basic ham radio certification. Having my certification is nice, but now I need to figure out what kind of equipment to buy. I'm supposed to meet up for coffee with the members of the local ham radio club on Saturday. I will ask them what kind of equipment I should get as a beginner. The next step will be to learn morse code. It's not really a requirement anymore, but it's something that has been on my bucket list for a long time.. I read an interesting article on The Register this morning; there is a new CDE release. I quickly checked the changelog, and it seems to be a major update. I will install it on Saturday, after my meeting with the ham club. There is another project that has piqued my interest: NsCDE. From what I understand, it's a modern CDE clone that's built on top of FVWM. Should CDE become abandonned one day, I will have an alternative. Finally, I would like this gopherhole to become more than just a blog. I want it to be more like a regular website, with multiple sections. I don't know exactly what the sections will be yet, but I will give it some thought. I'm out of Diet Dr. Pepper; it's time for a trip to the grocery store. unixl0rd