A Personal Domain History ========================= Presented here is my own personal domain history. I have cobled it together primarily because it seemed rather heartless to simply let these names pass from my memory. So this is a sort of epitaph for my initial venture into the wonderful world of domain ownership. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ============------------============------------============------------ *==noneotheabove.com========================================* *==brpirates.org========* *==gucuda.org===========* *==illf-alif.org========* *==oneoverzero.org======* *==plusoneoverzero.com==* *==ammondale.com========* *==cx2i3.org============* *==mediusrete.org=======*=======*---o noneotheabove.com ----------------- Registered: 17 July 2005 Expired: 17 July 2010 I would greatly like to be able to give a detailed account of the history of noneotheabove.com, but I just can not. The history and events surrounding its development (particularly during the first two years) are thoroughly muddled and confused, and I do not have any of the old layout files anymore. Some of the content from 2005 and 2006 still survives (whether it will ever see the light of the internet again remains to be determined), but the context in which most of it was written has been lost and forgotten. The best I can provide is a brief overview. The site never had a central focus---probably its greatest weakness. It was more of a plaything---a toy to idle away hours, trying to create the absolutely perfect layout that would inspire me to even greater heights. Its layout changed at least six times. Each change seeming to conclude with emptiness and the promise that next time it would be better. Its content was from all over the map: comics, rants, articles, photos. Some were actually pretty good, some were generic, derivative and bland, but most just bad, or worse, pointless. The only content that saw any real consistency and utility, was the technical how-to's I had been posting for my own benefit, and these were eventually moved to mediusrete.org in December of 2007. When that occurred, all that was left was a disjointed mishmash of stuff. This state of affairs continued until late 2009 when I began playing with tempered glass, resin, and spray paints. The results were sufficiently pleasing to behold that it crossed my mind that selling them might be a possibility, and that I could use noneotheabove.com as the platform from which to operate. Thus the site underwent one last rewrite; the layout was completely changed, goodly portions of the content was hidden away behind hard to find links, and the glass art was given prominence (alongside photos, and graphics). But even the prospect of financial gain was insufficient to keep the site afloat, and for the first half of 2010, my interest in it was entirely absent. Then the renewal notice came. The time had finally come to decide the fate of my first domain. I debated about renewing it for one year; hanging on to it, just to see if I could make something of it. But when the time to renew came, I just could not be bothered. The registrar kept sending me renewal reminders, and I kept deleting them. Even after the renewal date had come an gone, the emails continued for a week or two, and I just kept hitting delete. And then the emails stopped, and the domain was gone, and a small weight was lifted from the back of a small corner of my mind. brpirates.org ------------- Registered: 4 February 2006 Expired: 4 February 2008 This was the home of the Brotherhood of Revolutionary Pirates; beyond that, I do not really remember much of the site. I do remember that it was a single page, hosted on the free space provided by my ISP, and I had to use DNS masking to get the domain to point to the content. I also remember that it had a manifesto associated with it (a copy of which still survives---somewhere), and that the pirate ship was a former Soviet aircraft carrier. It and the following two domains were purchased at a time when I had this naive dream of building my own small internet empire based upon satire and absurdity. I will give you the opportunity to guess the ending---it makes the story so much more dramatic. gucuda.org ---------- Registered: 4 February 2006 Expired: 4 February 2008 This site was the home of a new religion (inspired by the Flying Spaghetti Monster---I wanted in on the action). The domain itself was an abbreviation for the verbose title of my would-be church: the Grand Unified Church of Universal Divine Absurdianism. As with brpirates.org, this site was but a single page, hosted on my ISP's servers, with DNS masking to its best to make it look like a real site (as opposed to a cardboard imitator). There is nothing left of this site, save for the logo I had devised. (Actually, the logos for all of my sites are still around; I think I enjoyed creating the logos for the sites more than the sites themselves---which would go a long way to explaining my inability to become a serious webmaster.) illf-alif.org ------------- Registered: 4 February 2006 Expired: 4 February 2008 This site was where I hosted joint anarchist/lethargist revolutionary movement. Illf was an abreviation for the International Lethargy Liberation Front; alif was an abreviation for something along the lines of the Anarchist Liberation and Independence Front. Again the content was hosted with my ISP, and again DNS masking did what it could, and again the site died. As far as I can remember, brpirates.org, gucuda.org, and illf-alif.org were never actually updated. There was the initial posting of content; the verification that links and DNS masking worked, and---well, that is about it. They were never touched again, and their deaths went entirely unnoticed (I am a terrible domain parent). oneoverzero.org --------------- Registered: 3 July 2006 Expired: 3 July 2008 I had intended this to be the home of a fictional politician named +1/0. He had his genesis in the spam section of a forum that I used to frequent; the goal was to increase my post count. Others would post +1, but I saw that as rather bland, so I settled upon +1/0, and the concept grew from there. The domain was never put to use though, for I noticed hours after registering it, that it lacked the + element, which was an integral part of the name, and so I went back the next day and registered another domain name. plusoneoverzero.com ------------------- Registered: 4 July 2006 Expired: 4 July 2008 This was the correction to the above-mentioned oversight, but it did not fare any better. I had the beginnings of content for the site, but it was hosted on noneotheabove.com and was only a page long. I wanted to do more with it: make something fantastical, satirical, and witty. I never made the time though. And so the site never came to be, and the domain was never put to use. It was another $22.00 mistake. ammondale.com ------------- Registered: 6 December 2007 Expired: 6 December 2009 I registered ammondale.com for a similar reason as the +1/0 domains, but rather than be for an imaginary, impossible politician, it was to be for the messiah of Ammodalism (my second attempt at a religion, one that had been created upon the same forum that +1/0 had his start on), Ammondale the Psychotic Chicken. But after registering the domain, Ammondale never spoke to me again. The site was never created, and the domain was fallow for its entire existence. Instead I could hear his quiet mocking in the back of my mind, delighting at having convinced me to waste $22.00. And so I abandoned my imaginary messiah and freely and fully embraced the Flying Spaghetti Monster. cx2i3.org --------- Registered: 17 December 2007 Expired: 17 December 2009 I registered this domain during one of my many redesign efforts of noneotheabove.com. I decided to remove the rants, and provide them their own home; one from which I could pursue more politically charged topics than seemed appropriate to post on noneotheabove.com site. This domain actually managed to see use, starting as a DNS mask for a blogger site. But I grew tired of the blog format very quickly, and wanted to have proper DNS hosting, thus I moved the site to an actual host, ditching most of the content that had been created (which was not much), and starting from scratch. But the interest did not last. The blogger post never got posted, and the rants from noneotheabove.com never appeared. Instead, the site served mostly as a quasi link repository, with the sole exception being two conversations I had with scripts from 'chat-with-god' sites (the transcripts are on this node). By mid 2009, I had all but forgotten about this site, and its death went by unmarked. mediusrete.org -------------- Registered: 17 December 2007 Renewed: 17 December 2009 Cancelled: 6 August 2010 This was registered at the same time as cx2i3.org, and was the place to which all of the technical content from noneotheabove.com was transfered. It was probably my most successful and useful site. It was updated relatively frequently, and the site design remained fairly stable, changing only twice. It had a proper host, and managed to maintain my interest. People even came and visited the site (most looking for instructions related to setting up a Telus DSL connection). Then in early June 2010, it became inaccessible. This state of affairs continued for about a week, at which point I was presented with a generic page saying that the site had been suspended. Seeing as this was a free host, I was not overly incensed, just a bit annoyed. So while I set about trying to determine why my site had been suspended, I went to another free host, set up an account, and got the site up and running again. It was about 24 hours later that this second account was suspended. At this point in time I started to suspect that the host did not like something on my site, and so I began to consider what I could do. I did not want to redact potions of my site, the idea left a bad taste in my mouth. So I started looking for a new host (paying close attention to who actually owns the host---a lot of hosts are owned by the same companies that had suspended my accounts to begin with). It was a long and tedious search, and in the end, it proved fruitless. Not because there was not a suitable host, but because I started to seriously question whether I really wanted to maintain the domain. Other alternatives began to wander about my mind: using the free space I had with my ISP; using the gopher space I had with sdf.org. Clearly I settled for the latter. I liked how sparse and simple gopher made everything; it was what I had been looking for since 2005 (if only I had known...). So I ported the content I wanted to gopher (there is still a little bit to port from the other sites, but not a whole lot), and made the final decision to cancel the domain name about four months before it was due to expire, and I can say I do not regret the decision.