CONFIGURING XORG **************** Remapping Keys -------------- Create: ~/.Xmodmap To swap the Escape and Caps Lock keys, add the following to .Xmodmap: remove Lock = Caps_Lock add Lock = Escape keysym Caps_Lock = Escape keysym Escape = Caps_Lock To make the left Alt key the compose key, open a terminal and run: $ xev. With xev running, hit the left Alt key and watch the terminal output. Amongst the data that appears, should be a keycode (which should be 113). Add the following to your .Xmodmap: keycode 113 = Multi_key Edit: ~/.xinitrc Add: usermodmap=$HOME/.Xmodmap And if [ -f $usermodmap ]; then /usr/bin/xmodmap $usermodmap fi Using Accented Characters ------------------------- Enable a compose key (meta key) as described above, then put it to use. Here are some of the key combinations for the various accents: * É : [META] + [SHIFT] + e + ' * ë : [META] + e + [SHIFT] + " * è : [META] + e + ` * ê : [META] + e + [SHIFT] + ^ * ø : [META] + o + / * ñ : [META] + n + [SHIFT] + ~ Getting The Scroll Wheel To Work -------------------------------- Edit: /etc/X11/xorg.conf Under: Section "InputDevice" Add: Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" Enabling Three Button Emulation ------------------------------- Edit: /etc/X11/xorg.conf Under: Section "InputDevice" Add: Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true" X & Multiple Mice ----------------- Edit: /etc/X11/xorg.conf Add: Section "InputDevice" #Identifier and driver Identifier "Mouse2" Driver "mouse" Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2" Option "Device" "/dev/mouse" EndSection Locate: InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer" InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard" To this section add: InputDevice "Mouse2" "SendCoreEvents" If your mouse isn't working after all of this, here are a few reasons why that might be so and some 2-3 word solutions. * Your using a USB mouse but the kernel is not USB enabled: upgrade the kernel. * The primary mouse/touch pad/track stick and the second mouse are using the same identifier: change it. * The InputDevice line at the end wasn't added: add it. * The Section and InputDevice identifiers don't match: make them the same. Running Multiple X Sessions --------------------------- Open a terminal window in the default X session, and type the following, replacing username with an available login that is not root: $ su - username You will now find that your in username's shell, and it is from here that you start the second X session: $ startx -- :1 Note: there will be no sound support. To switching between the two X sessions, use Ctrl-Alt-F7 to switch to your original session from the username session, and Ctrl-Alt-F8 to switch to the username session from your original session. Enabling Graphical Login ------------------------ Edit: /etc/inittab file. Change th Default runlevel entry: id:5:initdefault: Add, or uncomment a suitable entry under: # Example lines for starting a login manager. For example: x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm -nodaemon Or: x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/kdm -nodaemon Tweaking Xterm -------------- I haveve found that, depending on my window manager of choice, I may need to tweak xterm so that it displays everything properly. I found that after making the changes to my bash prompt mentioned far above, xterm was unreadable because it was displaying white text on a white background. To fix this: Create: ~/.Xresources Add: XTerm*background: black Xterm*foreground: white Run: $ xrdb ~/.Xresources Edit: ~/.xinitrc Add: userresources=$HOME/.Xresources And: if [ -f $userresources ]; then /usr/bin/xrdb -merge $userresources fi Changing The KDE3 Menu-Icon Size In OpenSuse 11 ----------------------------------------------- OpenSuse 11 has a rather annoying 'feature'---no doubt designed for the debilitatingly myopic: huge menu icons. But fret not, for in my travels about the internet, I've managed to come across a solution to this writ-large feature. Start by finding the file kickerrc; it will be in one of the following locations: /opt/kde3/share/config/SuSE/default ~/kde/share/config Edit the former to make the changes system-wide, the latter to make them user-specific. Open the file that corresponds to your desired outcome, and locate the heading [menus]; under this locate (or add, as the case may be): "MenuEntryHeight=16" Change the value '16' to whatever size icon you prefer.. Finally---to get your brand new, resized icons---from a command prompt, run: $ dcop kicker Panel restart Or if you are particularly lazy, restart your machine. Either option works.