Cars suck... ride your bike! Thursday, Sep 29 2022 ------------------------------ Let me start off by saying that cars are needed for a lot of things in our society, and have improved our life by a lot, but the way we use them everyday causes so many problems. The most obvious problem is the co2 produced by cars, but there are so many other problems that we don't think about. Starting with the fact that cars kill 1.3 million humans a year (making humans the most deadly animals to humans), that alone should be enough to motivate every single city to switch to a safer alternative, especially with how efficient public transport can be. Cars also create a lot of social problems. It creates isolation from one area to the other, because who cares if your suburban area is 10km away from the main city, you can just get to there by car. The thing is, people could use bicycles or public transport or just walk for 99% of their daily commutes and needs, but they buy a car for the other 1%. Cars may still have a place in our society even after cities start switching to public transport and better infrastructure for cycling, but a lot of optimizations have to be made to the way we use them. Since you started reading this posts, at least 2 people have died in a car related accident, as 1 person dies every 24 seconds because of cars. It's time to change. Everyone is thinking of solving climate change with some super futuristic project that requires billions of dollars of funding and might just be a temporary solution, when our governments won't even apply the most basic and simple solutions of all. Unless you are a city engineer or work on city infrastructure you can't really force cities to apply these changes, but simply riding your bicycle to work or to the grocery store can do more good than one might think. See you! And ride your bike!