#Lunchboxhero Welcome to my Gemini space! I am a proud husband and father. Currently working in the automotive repair industry, while going back to school to earn a a bachelors in IT. I don't have much of anything interesting to say, but feel free to hang around anyways. => gemini://sdf.org/lunchboxhero/tiny.gmi Tinylog - My luke warm takes => gemini://sdf.org/lunchboxhero/twtxt.txt twtxt - my tinylog in twtxt form => gemini://sdf.org/lunchboxhero/logs/index.gmi Flightlogs ## Say Hello => mailto://lunchboxhero@sdf.org lunchboxhero@sdf.org => finger://plan.cat/lunchboxhero Finger ## Stuff I've made => gemini://sdf.org/lunchboxhero/coffee.gmi Lunchboxhero's Coffee Bar - A quick reference to coffee and coffee accessories => gemini://sdf.org/lunchboxhero/startpage.gmi Lunchboxhero's Gemini Startpage ## Super Dimension Fortress => gemini://sdf.org To the SDF cluster Gemini Homepage => gemini://gem.sdf.org to the SDF Meta Array Gemini Homepage => https://sdf.org SDF on the web