A friend called us up on Sunday and asked if we wanted to come over for some BBQ. Since all involved (the 3 of us) had gotten the first shot we said yes. The friend told me he had some tequila, and asked if we'd bring some type of mixer for cocktails. Of course I think mixers are nonsense so I decided to do it right and I bought limes, grapefruit, and Squirt. I also made my own simple syrup. When we got there I made us some delicious Palomas--the perfect drink for sitting outside. I also got slightly stoned. On an unrelated note, I found Underberg at the liquor store. Underberg is a German digestif sold in grocery stores and used by children and adults alike to relieve upset stomachs. It's sold in small vials and wrapped in paper. I like the taste of it and enjoy drinking it after a meal. My heart goes out to all of the people in Minneapolis right now, who are living not only with the grief of another black person being killed by a police officer, but also a full-scale military occupation. All through the night the copters make it hard for residents to sleep, and this has been ongoing for months. Something has to change. These police departments are out of control. I'm not saying all police officers are evil, but there has to be some type of accountability when they kill others and break the law. I don't believe any government official--whether it be a cop or the mayor--should have immunity from justice and the law. The fact that these deaths keep happening is shameful. I have my presentation tomorrow on pass-the-hash attacks. I successfully owned my virtual instance of a domain controller with mimikatz credential dumping and I recorded the event logs from the attack. I took screen shots to show to co-workers tomorrow. Over the last few days I've been attending a class from the company that makes the SIEM platform I use at work. It was about creating security rules relating to logs and events. I have an exam later and when I pass it I'll get some type of administrator certification. It's fun to learn new things. Hard to believe that before the pandemic I was working behind a bar. There are parts I miss about it and parts I can't believe I put up with. Time has a funny way of flipping things on their head, doesn't it?