6-13-2005 Started a the new week with a day on the water. The new schedule with my father is for Sunday afternoons. Today looked nice with some wind, but as I got close t o Shileshole bay the dark clouds made an appearance and the rain started. The st art end up being delayed for 30 minutes during which we ate lunch and looked all the other boats on the dock. We saw two cargo ships, two cruise ships, two coast guard boats, and a tug with two barges. The coast guard was following on of the cargo ships. The weather was "partly cloudy" with some rain. The picture below was take toward the ends after I remembered I had a camera. There are images in graphx off my main site -- 6-20-2005 The perfect day of sailing was had from 5:30pm - 9:00pm. No pictures were taken since I am a foul weather sailor. There was some traffic outside the marina. Once the sails were up we were doing close to 5 knots. We ran accross the sound and about halfway accross a small child started to talk on channel 16 ( the coastgaurd channel). The child was told to stop a few times and it seemed to work. We drifted child was told to stop a few times and it seemed to work. We jibed and took a odd tack down to a point where there was close to no wind. On the return accross the shipping lanes we went for the center marker bouy, where the shipping lanes turn, the bouy was close to 12' high and covered with solar pannels. Then there was two aggressive tacks up wind to the breakwall. --