Vasoline Man Within the past week, there's been a new rider on the bus going to work. The first day he got on the bus, he wore all "New York" clothing. What I mean is, everything seemed to have "New York" emblazoned on it. Since I don't live in New York, and this isn't a New York bus, I figured he must be from New York. He caught my attention because he was clearly having a conversation with someone on the outside of the bus. He faced the window and spoke to either his reflection or someone he must have seen out there. He did this for most of the ride. During his conversation, he took out a jar of Vasoline and started rubbing it on himself, starting with the hands, then going up the arms, and to the face. When I got off the bus, he was still having his conversation and rubbing the Vasoline in. The next day, he wore all "Canada" clothing. Apparently, he's a world traveler. Or his clothier is. Out came the Vasoline, and he got busy. He wasn't talking to his friend this time, but rather nodding while eating a banana. Perhaps he was listening intently to his friend. Hard to say, but I can relate. And the next day, and the next. Clothing from different parts of the world; Australia one day, Fiji the next. This morning was the same (I think we were back to Canada). I listened to The Beatles White Album on my headphones (I'm old), and it dawned on me: what if I'm imagining him? Oh shit.