Papa Roach I take the bus to work. You might like to think that I am helping the environment, or that I have some other higher moral reason, but it's really because I'm not a good driver. I've had more accidents than I care to recall (or CAN recall), and could, upon request, give you a fairly detailed review of various air bag products and how they handle under the stress of an accident. And so, it's public transport for me. In the morning I catch a bus right near my home and ride that to my stop, right outside Yummy Donut. I'm habitually early to everything. I think that's a good thing. I am usually a half hour early to my bus stop, which gets me near work about an hour and a half before work starts. Time to have a donut, and time in case something goes wrong and I need another bus, or whatever. The extra time usually allows me to ponder things, notice things. It's what I do. I love to watch people and the world. One of the things I've noticed while waiting for my bus is a rather large cockroach who, each morning, comes up through the water cover over the storm drain, searches around for the trash can (provided free of charge by the transit company), and begins feasting. I know, you probably think that this is incredibly disgusting. I'm sure most people do. But, for some reason, I'm enthralled by watching this little critter do its daily tasks. It's almost hypnotic to watch him (or her) work. What I find odd is that I almost always see him pop up and start feasting within the half hour or so that I'm waiting for the bus. How is it that he can be that regular with his schedule? Or perhaps, my arrival is somehow triggering his morning ritual. Ah, the interconnectedness of things...