Meat Eater I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I'm a meat eater. An omnivore, really. Many of my friends are vegetarian in some form, including vegan, and I'm sometimes the lone meat eater. I'm ashamed because of the ethics behind it. I am half Native American, more commonly called "Indian." And my people, or at least that half of my people, were meat eaters. Granted, they weren't munching on burgers and steaks every day. And they also ate things like acorns, which I will not eat, under any circumstances. Native Americans are not known for having the best diets. Take a look at the modern Native American diet. It consists mostly of fry bread and beer. Now, I'm not knocking it, mind you. I'm an alcoholic, and I'm in recovery so I don't drink anymore, but that fry bread? HELL yes. What's not to love. It's bread (my other half is Italian, so bread is double-good), and just to make it better, it's fried. Man does not live by bread alone, unless you fry it. I've tried to diversify my diet. I've tried salads, bean curds, and other things typically thought of as more healthy, but that ancestry calls me back every time. I can't help it. I'm a meat eater. I sometimes wish I wasn't, but that sometimes is rarely when I'm in the middle of a burger.