Call Me It's been a long time. And I apologize. I've been really dealing with these mental health issues, and they get in the way of EVERYTHING. I just wanted to put in a brief update that I am in a different program, starting today. They called me back as they promised, and we are looking for assignment to a psychiatrist and therapy. I think that may work out well. Also, I have two volunteer caregivers, which is very nice. They're helping me with the paperwork to approve them as "official" caregivers. It's so nice when things work out for a change. I'll keep everyone posted. On the other side of the coin, I think I'm going to owe over a thousand dollars on my taxes. Thankfully, I've dealt with the IRS before, and they can actually be very pleasant when working with you. I'll know more on that this weekend, when I'm in the mood for math.