===== 7 September ===== Well, I had to re-create my account to log in, for some reason. Maybe I changed my password at some point? No idea, really. However, running SETUP from mkgopher restored my gopher directory here, so that's a blessing. Email may be gone, but I don't have to re-create my gophermap at least. Which is great, because I just checked and the copy I downloaded locally from lynx is actually HTML. That's great, except gopher is not HTML. Of course, in doing so, I realized that I hadn't actually written /anything/ here since last December. So now you know -- I am, in fact, an awful diarist. Hell, I have a single journal that I've been "using" since 2009. I am perhaps halfway through it, six years later. Frankly, I don't have much that needs to be recorded in a journal; most of what I write (and there is quite a bit of /that/) is insignificant notes. There are a few recipes, but those are kept in a separate steno pad -- who would want to dig through a journal to find a recipe? Well, perhaps I'll remember to update this more frequently! I wouldn't get my hopes up, though.