Story by Anna @ 2016/2024.
       > If there would not have been a Waco, I would have
       > ...not been so unsettled.... Everything that Waco
       > implies was at the forefront of my thoughts. That
       > sort of guided my path for the next couple years.
                                  -- Timothy McVeigh, 2001
        ===Mike's story===
        2024 attempt to isolate and continue Mike's story.
 (TXT) Chapter 1: Once lost
       Chapter 2: Storm of the century --not yet
 (TXT) Chapter 3: Our country
 (TXT) Chapter 4: The ditch
 (TXT) Chapter 5: Camp-out
 (TXT) Chapter 6: Peril
 (TXT) Chapter 7: Harvest
 (TXT) Chapter 8: Nearer my God to Thee --being written
        ===Katharine's story===
        Not in order. Not priority til fall '24.
 (TXT) Chapter 1: Land
 (TXT) Chapter 2: Waiting for daddy
 (TXT) Chapter 3: Paradise city
 (TXT) Chapter 4: Foxhole prayer
 (TXT) Chapter 5: Hot
 (TXT) Chapter 6: Stuck
        Pastor's epistle adapted from Clarence Jordan's
        *Cotton Patch Version*; Shirley's psalm from
        Eugene Peterson's *The Message*. Raps outside
        Angelique's from Lyrical Drive By by Al Kapone.