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       sl is a small-ish (~48 kiB) Tcl script that I stumbled across [1]
       a while ago, and which has been living in my ~/bin since.
 (TXT) 2012-02-20   48k  sl
 (TXT) 2012-??-??  3.1k  sl.tcl
       It works as a better ls: it prints out a list of the files in
       the current folder, sorted by category (e.g. dev, WWW, doc),
       while colorizing them and flagging potentially interesting files.
        | aiwein@sdf:~/gopher/files/sl% sl
        | [build]        [dev]          [other]
        |   README <NOW    sl.tcl <21m     sl 48K <22m
        |   3 files (49K)
       It was originally written by Tom Phelps in 2011, and released
       under the terms of the GPLv3, but the website indicated by the
       script [2] is now dead (its most recent Archive.org copy being
       from October 2016 [3]).
 (HTM) [1]: https://vsido.org/index.php?topic=1291.0
 (HTM) [2]: http://www.PracticalThought.com/
 (HTM) [3]: https://web.archive.org/web/20161012022503/http://practicalthought.com:80/sl/