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       I am in the process of restructuring my phlog.  The old entries
       are still kicking around, but I'm going to move each day to its
       own page now.
       I also polished a bit my files/ page, and added the lml/ folder.
       I'm archiving tiny, usually weird lightweight markup languages
       whose specification or implementation I found around the web -
       I'm not actually using them, as I mostly write in Markdown and
       org, but I like stumbling across them and seeing how others
       wrote their own.  They give me ideas.
                                    - - -
       Note to self: DON'T start a gophermap line with a tilde.
       I did, confusing it with the ! of the menu title, which meant
       that this gophermap flat-out wouldn't return anything: not to my
       own gopher client, not to lynx, not to netcat.  It would just
       hang there.
       I half-thought that I might have been hitting some sort of weird
       folders quota, but I checked, verified that this was not the
       case, and started bisecting the gophermap before noticing that
       bloody ~.  It *should* include a list of all users with a valid
       public_gopher, but gophernicus apparently doesn't handle it