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       I just finished restructuring the older "posts" (really, just a
       bunch of links and a few lines of text).  Maintaining the phlog
       by hand, though, is starting to become painful.
       I'll probably take a leaf out of stx's book and throw sed + m4
       at the problem (or maybe troff, I already have a small set of
       (g)roff macros that can be used to format gophermaps (or maybe
       all three, because there is no kill like overkill)).
                                    - - -
       I remembered about line mode browser earlier, looked up libwww,
       saw "Latest Tar Ball Release (June 24, 2017)", downloaded and
       compiled it, and was very disappointed when line mode browser
       refused to work with duckduckgo.  :/
       At least edbrowse has yet to betray me.
 (HTM) Libwww - the W3C Protocol Library
 (HTM) Edbrowse, a Command Line Editor Browser