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       I started restructuring my phlog a few days ago, and today I
       finished it.
       I don't have to create the folder structure by hand anymore, nor
       I have to write the gophermaps myself: a small set of groff
       macros is taking care of that, together with a small Python
       script which iterates over the post files, invoking troff as
       needed, creating the folders, and generating the archives.
       I update the root gophermap (which contains the text of the
       latest post) with a short ed script, which looks for two
       markers, `# latest - start' and `# latest - end', deletes all
       the lines between them, and adds the text of the latest post
       (which my Python script conveniently leaves in a `latest'
       gophermap in a format amenable to inclusion).
       I spent way too much time for my tastes on this, as I had to
       debug a few issues that popped up because I'm used to the GNU
       versions of the various tools I used (sed, shell, even ed).
       A few things I learned:
        - the NetBSD version of ed doesn't have comments (#), and its
          read command (r ...) either doesn't do tilde expansion or
          doesn't follow symlinks.  I solved the former issue by
          shelling out for the comments (*very* inefficient, but I
          really don't want to leave ed scripts lying around
          uncommented - they might try to take over the world or some
          such), and the latter by reading *not* from a file, but from
          the output of a cat invocation.
        - the NetBSD version of sed doesn't have character escapes for
          the replacements (e.g., you can't do s/@@/\t/), so you need
          to insert the raw characters in there, and it also expects
          the file parameter to be passed *after* its options (e.g.,
          -i, -e '...').