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       A set of scripts to generate a simple phlog.  It uses groff,
       together with the macros defined in `goph.tr', to format the
       posts (see `source/' for some examples).  They'll be output as
       gophermaps instead of text files, mostly to actually be able to
       *link* to things from them.
       It expects the posts to be in the `source/' folder, with their
       names in the `YYYY-MM-DD.txt' format.
       Run the generator by executing
           $ make gen
       and publish the changes with
           $ make publish   # will also run make gen
 (TXT) 2019-06-27  0.1k  Makefile
 (TXT) 2019-06-27  0.2k  collapse-nl.awk
 (TXT) 2019-06-27  1.0k  embed-latest.sh
 (TXT) 2019-06-27  0.3k  gen-page.sh
 (TXT) 2019-06-27  3.7k  gen-phlog.py
 (TXT) 2019-06-27  2.9k  goph.tr
 (DIR) 2019-06-27     -  source/