Ariel David Buena's
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       Epiphanies, aphorisms, one-liners, observations, and whatnot...
       [August 2014]
 (TXT) Mac OS X
       [July 2014]
 (TXT) Kapag mabagal ang SMART Internet
 (TXT) Pinakamasarap humiga...
 (TXT) Solving long ATM queues
 (TXT) Worst distro name ever
 (TXT) Gaming laptops
 (TXT) grepWin
       [June 2014]
 (TXT) Conspiracy theory
 (TXT) On war
 (TXT) The (relatively) new Firefox UI
 (TXT) Why critics and reviewers exist
 (TXT) Filipino-centric view (redux)
 (TXT) Developers are bad at...
 (TXT) Rename PyGopherd
 (TXT) If there's one thing...
 (TXT) Filipino-centric view
 (TXT) Just like old times
       Copyright 2014 Ariel David Buena