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       Ok, I lied. Not a project.
       Just a few improvements to make my life easier. For dwm 6.1.
 (TXT) alsacontrols
       Volume control using native ALSA API, with X11 media key bindings.
 (TXT) custombar
       Removes all status bar logic, and leaves an adjustable gap for your bar.
 (TXT) dynamic-gaps
       A fork of the original gaps patch from the suckless website, with
       on-the-fly gap size changing added.
 (TXT) dynamic-uselessgap
       Same as above, but with the uselessgap patch as the base.
 (TXT) mpdcontrol
       MPD playback control using libmpdclient, with X11 media key bindings.
       (I haven't noticed the one on suckless site, so I reimplemented it myself lol)
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