Welcome to my Gopherspace!
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       ASCII art created with Network Science ASCII Generator - wrapper for FIGlet.
       Font used is "slant", by Glenn Chappell.
       Font used at bottom of page is "smkeyboard" by Kent Nassen.
 (HTM) http://www.network-science.de/ascii/
       Retrocomputing * UNIX/BSD/Linux * PDAs * /e/OS * 
       XMPP * Amateur Radio * Film Photography * Musician
       Contact Me At -
       Email: cseiter@sdf.org
       Mastodon: @cseiter@social.sdf.org
       XMPP: cseiter@jabber.sdf.org
       Matrix: @cseiter:matrix.sdf.org
       Pixelfed: @cseiter@pixelfed.sdf.org
       SDF SIP/VoIP: x2030
       Check out my Gemini Capsule at:
       Check out my http website at:
 (HTM) http://cseiter.sdf.org/
       Happy 32 Years SDF! And Happy 50th Anniversary to Unix!
 (IMG) SDF 32 Years Logo
       Page last modified 2023-02-25.
       Thanks for visiting! If you have any feedback about this 
       space or just want to say hello, feel free to send an email!
       Copyright 2016-2023
       Hosting for this space is provided by:
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 (HTM) The SDF Public Access UNIX System