Traditional Catholic Gopherspace
       This directory mainly contains articles of interest to the traditio
       Catholic effort and neoscholastic philosophy.  May the wisdom hidde
       away in these digitcal catacombs edify your soul,
       and may God bless you.
 (DOC) 1962 Changes to the Rubrics of the Mass
 (TXT) The Case of Fr. Leonard Feeney
 (TXT) The Divine Economy
 (TXT) Notes on the Principle of Inertia
 (TXT) Statement of Principles in a Time of Crisis
       $Log: gophermap,v $
       Revision 1.4  2015/12/09 00:31:49  datab
       More cleanup
       Revision 1.3  2015/12/09 00:29:40  datab
       Try to clean some stuff up.