Slackware System Hardening
 (TXT) audit_slackware.txt
 (TXT) slackware-snort-0.2.txt
 (TXT) system-hardening-0.4.txt
 (TXT) system-hardening-10.1.txt
 (TXT) system-hardening-10.2.txt
 (TXT) system-hardening-11.0.txt
 (TXT) system-hardening-13.1.txt
       SecureCRT has a keyword highlighting feature.  I've spent quite a bit of 
       time writting regular expressions to highlight the output of Cisco IOS 
       commands and configurations.  Below are the configuration .ini files that 
       can be used.  See my blog posts for more information.
 (HTM) Feral - Packet:  SecureCRT Text Highlighting
 (HTM) Feral - Packet:  Regular Expressions for SecureCRT Keyword Highlighting - Update
 (TXT) Lab_Highlights.ini
 (TXT) feralpacket.ini