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       The Elcottica - Ham Shack
       I'm a ham radio operator (NF4L) based in Georgia, USA.  I have 
       my Extra class license.  My station currently has a FT-450D HF  
       transceiver hooked up to a off-center fed dipole. I also run  
       VHF packet and APRS, but those are currently not operational in
       the shack.
       Thoughts on Ham Radio:
       FT-8 at the Expense of Other Digital Modes
       Current Projects:
 (TXT) Favorite modes
 (TXT) VHF Packet Radio using Rigblaster PnP with Direwolf
 (TXT) Controlling Digital Modes Through SSH and RDP
       Controlling Radio through CAT for Full Remote Control of HF Rig