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       Welcome to This Oldest House of Leaves
         This is where I keep text based content.
         You are welcome to browse, read, and generally hangout.
         Have a good day!
 (DIR) Camping Trips
 (DIR) Cooking Recipes
 (DIR) Games
 (DIR) Guides
       Last update: 2019-09-05
       Below is the file structure of this gopherspace.
 (DIR) ..                                                                         
 (DIR) Camping                                        2019-Aug-28 12:45        -  
 (DIR) Games                                          2019-Sep-09 07:43        -  
 (DIR) Guides                                         2019-Jun-17 12:01        -  
 (DIR) Recipes                                        2018-Jun-19 07:44        -