Let's talk about timezones for a minute.  This isn't a rant so much
       stream of consciousness rambling about thoughts on the topic.  Main
       because it's more than halfway through the day and I've had any bet
       ideas about what to write.
       If you are a regular in #sdf on IRC you've probably chatted with me
       at some point; I try to be fairly active there.  You may also have
       seen my comments recently about being in Germany the last two weeks
       on vacation.  What a beautiful country Germany is.  Having taken tw
       years of German in school I am no were near fluent in the language
       but over the years enough has stuck with me to pick up conversation
       fragments as well as enough of an understanding of the language
       symantics that I was able to piece together enough to get me out of
       a jam.  Phrases like "Zum berliner Hauptbahnhof" for Taxi drivers. 
       "Ich spreche kein Deutsch.  Sprechen sie Englisch?" was suffiently
       polite for people to generally try and assist me with the best Engl
       they could, even if they didn't speak it very well.  But the one th
       I was the least prepared for was the time change and the affect it
       would have on me.
       I've flown all over the US and Canada for work and pleasure, but th
       largest time difference I've ever had to deal with is a mear 4 hour
       when I am out on the Pacific coast, and that is typically ok becaus
       when I'm out there I tend to stay out late anyway so I never really
       adjust completely to the time.  While in Germany though, UTC+1, thi
       were much more difficult.  I do not sleep on planes, I just can't g
       comfortable.  Sure, maybe if I was in one of those nice sleeper sea
       in first class, but not in coach, even with Delta's "comfort plus".
       No way.  So, on the first day in Frankfurt I'm up for nearly 48 hou
       straight and finally collapse in my hotel room at 1900hrs.  I then
       wake up at 0700hrs for the hotel breakfast.  By about day 3 I'm pre
       well adjusted.  I'm still getting tired around 2000hrs but some nig
       I'm able to stick around until 2100hrs.  Getting up at 0700hrs turn
       out to be about right.  But I had no idea how much this was going t
       be a problem when I got back State-side.
       I'm now three days in to my return to my "native" timezone and I'm
       struggling more than I could have ever imagined.  Thank goodness I
       flew back on Friday and not Sunday.  I have thoroughly needed these
       last two days to get my sleep schedule turned back around.  I've be
       hard pressed to make it much past 2100hrs before passing out (that'
       0300hrs in UTC+1!) and waking up at 0300hrs (a more reasonable 0900
       in UTC+1).  It's the waking up part that's got me the most messed u
       really.  This morning I was able to force myself back to sleep unti
       about 0500hrs. If I can do this again tomorrow I think I'll be in
       good shape.  I had planned on using this shift in circadian rhythm 
       shift my work schedule from 1000-1900hrs to something more family
       friendly like 0700-1500hrs.  Waking up at 0500hrs is just about rig
       for that kind of schedule.
       So, there's my brain dump on timezones.  Probably not that interest
       but it got me a post for today :)