First phlog post in a while. I'm trying to remember how this thing
       works again. I have a script but I kind of forgot how it works.
       Anyway... I've started down the road of going car free. I moved in
       to the city (well, technically just outside of it) and I no longer
       have to drive to get to work. This kicked off my thinking how I
       could remove the car from other trips. It's gotten pretty easy.
       Weather appropriate gear is the only one that I have to still figur
       out. Mainly, it's just expensive. It's a big up front
       expense/investment but it'll be cheaper in the long run and also
       more environmentally friendly.
       This also got me thinking about how I can be more environmentally
       minded in general. Trying to reduce my consumption of all things an
       reuse, repair, etc. when I can. So far it's going well.