I use Windows during my work day. When I'm on Windows,  I have relied on
       Lynx and Overbite Nx for my gophering. I like them both, but neither
       is as simple to setup as mainstream Windows users require to start 
       exploring gopherspace.
       Recently, I found a couple of new Windows gopher clients. 
       Well, new to me at least. Maybe you already knew about them.
       But just in case you didn't, here they are.
       The first is Gopher Browser for Windows.  
       Version 1.2 is dated August 10, 2019. It's by Matt Owen and available from
 (HTM) Matt's website
       Here is a screenshot of Gopher Browser for Windows.
 (GIF) Image
       The selector icons and colors make it easy to read.
       My only wish is that it would wrap text.
       The other Windows gopher browser is Simple Gopher for Windows by Shipwreck
       Software. I installed version 1.4 from from the Windows app store, which 
       is about as easy as it gets.
       Here's a screen shot of Simple Gopher.
 (GIF) Image
       Simple Gopher opens selectors in a new window. Once you get used to it, 
       it is a nice feature, though it doesn't take long to have a lot of 
       windows open.
       Simple Gopher lets you choose your prefered font. It doesn't make use of 
       color in presenting text or selectors.  I like that it nicely wraps text 
       to fit the screen, which is a feature I'm always on the hunt for.
       If you know of any other good Windows gopher clients, let me know.