       +   This is my gopherhole @sdf.org   +
         ** My gopherhole has actually moved to the link below **
 (DIR) My gopherhole at katolaz.net
 (DIR) My gopherhole at republic.circumlunar.space
 (DIR) My gopherhole at medialab.freaknet.org
       I am currently crawling the Gopherspace for the project:
 (DIR) Burrow the Burrows
       I have also written some gopher utils:
           `cgit-70` -- a mod/fork of cgit with a Gopher interface
 (DIR) Discover cgit-70 (gopher://git.katolaz.net)
           `gosher` -- a simple gopher server in a shell script:
 (DIR) Discover gosher (gopher://katolaz.net/software/gosher)
           `goval` -- a gophermap validator:
 (TXT) Download goval (gopher://katolaz.net/software/goval)
 (DIR)  << Back to sdf.org