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       | |/ /___(_)_   _  __ _( )___ 
       | ' // _ \ | | | |/ _` |// __|
       | . \  __/ | |_| | (_| | \__ \
       |_|\_\___|_|\__, |\__,_| |___/
       Welcome! This is where Keiya keeps her stuff. You're honestly not
       that likely to find much of interest here, she has a bad case of
       being boring. Matched only by her tendency to speak in the third
       person for extended periods of time. But you're welcome to what 
 (DIR) Keiya's Phlog
       Dumb 'active' content she's created:
 (TXT) Today's date (UTC) in the Discordian calendar
 (TXT) (Source)
 (TXT) Random Costume Fairy Adventures character generator
 (TXT) (Source)