The Reading Room
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        +++ Original Pieces +++
 (TXT) Billy Bob Bates - An original short story
        +++ Stuff copied from somewhere else. Probably unattributed +++
 (TXT) Darwin Among the Machines
 (TXT) Harrison Bergeron
 (TXT) Industrial Society and its Future
 (TXT) Lord of the Flies
 (TXT) MiniSniping - Peter Capstick
 (TXT) That Thing Over There by Dominic Green
 (TXT) The Devil's Dictionary
 (TXT) What Are Black People - A classic copypasta
        +++ Poetry +++
 (TXT) Clancy of the Overflow
 (TXT) Rhymes of a Rolling Stone
 (TXT) The Call of the Wild
 (TXT) The Rhyme of the Remittance Man
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        |   < | || | | | | ||  __/|   <
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 (DIR) Return to the Homepage