       Last Update : 2016-10-31-6:51PM(UTC+01:00)
       Welcome to my Gopherspace !
       I am Martin Zepigue, a young french guy who recently found about 
       Gopher. In this site you'll find different things on subjects I lik
       that is to say, technology (programming, internet,..), games (doesn
       have to always be video games), literature (mostly sci-fi and fanta
       but also some philosophic or social books), music (a lot of heavy 
       metal, and also rock music in general, and even electro, jazz, folk
       etc sometimes), and a lot of bredy c00l things.
       I'm also currently studying medicine, so you might except a little 
       biology to be thrown there as well.
 (TXT) Read a detailled introduction
       This site has two main sections:
 (DIR) Single articles
       These articles are written without any given structure in mind, on 
       pretty vast subject areas.
       You should consider this section as a rough paper for my Pherzine.
 (DIR) The Pherzine
       These are "true" zines, and by that I mean that this is not a list 
       articles as in some webzines, but single issues of a big project of
       mine. This allow me to focus on bigger articles and ake them shine,
       while short articles don't take too much room, so the reader won't 
       overwhelmed by superficial articles.
       There isn't any release date for the first zine yet.
 (DIR) Here are some random links to things I consider interesting
 (HTM) You can also check Aerie's Guard, a cool website and a cool community
       Contact: martinlecochon, and the webmail site is I gue
       you'll be able to write down my email adress with those information