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       | |/ _ \|  _| |__   _| __| '__/ _` |/ __| |/ /
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       Hi hello, how are you doing? Long time ago since we've broken up
       I'm a person with too many interests and not enough time.
 (TXT) About me
 (TXT) 2023-10-01 Fall again 
 (TXT) 2023-03-03 Esfihas and storm 
 (TXT) 2023-03-02 Dreams and Alice Munro 
 (TXT) 2023-03-01 Notebooks and root beer
 (TXT) 2023-02-26 Amanda Knox, Fernando Pessoa, A strange loop
 (TXT) 2023-02-24 Snow day
 (TXT) 2023-02-22 Musica Mineira
 (TXT) 2023-02-21 A strange visit to Hamilton
 (TXT) 2023-02-20 Family day
 (TXT) 2023-02-18 Soccer and carnaval
 (TXT) 2023-02-17 The current state of my work situation
 (TXT) 2023-02-16 On being an introvert