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       June 05, 2020
       This last week with the renewed BLM protests and associated riots I've
       been toggling mostly between two modes, preoccupation with current events
       and working on planning out building my shop with an unprecedented fervor.
       I was talking to the SO the other day. I mentioned that I've been
       incredibly anxious lately an unable to concentrate on work, I explained
       that with the COVID stuff happening and with the racial unrest in the
       country that I feel on edge, watchful, and helpless. She responded, "Oh,
       and I thought you were anxious because of my work anxiety spilling over on
       you." She's a rather anxious person herself and is making a big career
       transition, and has a tendency to disregard the type of advice I give,
       she's stubborn, much like me. This all ends up leaving me feeling on edge,
       watchful, and helpless.
       Ultimately, I don't know that there's just one source to my anxiety, and
       I'm quite sure all the problems are actual problems. I'll do what I can do
       to help, and I'll keep earning a few bucks at my job, and I'll build out
       my shop. My impact barely makes an impression with my SO, I have less
       hopes for really making things move in centuries-old racial tensions, or
       viral onslaughts. So I'll balance it all out with nailing sticks together
       into a shelter that I can hole up in and nail other things together within