__  ___         __  ___           _     
          /  |/  /_  __   /  |/  /_  _______(_)____
         / /|_/ / / / /  / /|_/ / / / / ___/ / ___/
        / /  / / /_/ /  / /  / / /_/ (__  ) / /__  
       /_/  /_/\__, /  /_/  /_/\__,_/____/_/\___/  
       I've made music under a couple different names. Here are links and files
       for all of it.
          ___             ___           __                     
         / _ )___ ___    / _ )__ ______/ /  ___ ____  ___ ____ 
        / _  / -_) _ \  / _  / // / __/ _ \/ _ `/ _ \/ _ `/ _ \
       /____/\__/_//_/ /____/\_,_/\__/_//_/\_,_/_//_/\_,_/_//_/
       The music I put under my actual name is ambient music made with homemade
       cassette tape loops. It's meant to be more low-key than my other projects,
       featuring more lofi production, and recorded from live sessions in front
       of my MIDI controller.
 (HTM) Ben Buchanan Bandcamp Page
 (DIR) A Dream of Shapes Returning
       Before I used tape loops, I created a double-LP of music as a test of my
       compositional skills and sampling ability. That double-LP, called "Eastern
       Experiment // Red Miles", was never published to my Bandcamp page. You'll
       find it below.
 (DIR) Eastern Experiment // Red Miles
          _  __                            ____         
         / |/ /__ __ _________  __ _  ___ / / /____ ____
        /    / -_) // / __/ _ \/  ' \/ -_) / __/ -_) __/
       /_/|_/\__/\_,_/_/  \___/_/_/_/\__/_/\__/\__/_/  
       Neuromelter was originally meant to be an outlet for more hardcore
       electronic production, with cleaner, more experimental instrumentation.
       However, it also ended up bleeding a bit into the ambient realm.
 (HTM) Neuromelter Bandcamp Page
 (DIR) This Isolation is in My DNA