____  __    __           
          / __ \/ /_  / /___  ____ _
         / /_/ / __ \/ / __ \/ __ `/
        / ____/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ / 
       /_/   /_/ /_/_/\____/\__, /  
       This is where I post updates to my phlog.
       Dec. 10, 2019:
 (TXT) The Record Fair
       Nov. 25, 2019:
 (TXT) Change of Plans
 (IMG) CurseNote Screenshot
       Nov. 06, 2019:
 (TXT) Nothing to Show for it
       Nov. 02, 2019:
 (TXT) Start & Stop
       Oct. 27, 2019:
 (TXT) Things Are Coming Together
       Oct. 15, 2019:
 (TXT) Stability & Evolution
       Oct. 08, 2019:
 (TXT) In Stillness
       Oct. 01, 2019:
 (TXT) Bash, Dialog, & Melancholy Seasons
       Sept. 29, 2019:
 (TXT) Returning Thoughts
 (TXT) Love Dissolves
       Sept. 28, 2019:
 (TXT) Continuum is Online