Welcome To The Queen’s Light Gopher Space
       Created by Trenton Matthews
       Part of the 
 (DIR)  SDF Gopher Club Underground
 (QRY)  Search The Vast Gopher World Via Veronica
       Among my Gopher tunnels, you can do the following:
 (TXT)  Learn About Me
       , if ya wish to read my biography.
 (DIR)  Challenge Me!
       , if you’re up for a game or two.
 (DIR)  Talk To Me!
       , for the many ways of communication and conversation.
 (DIR)  Going Gophers!
       , tunnels and tunnels galore!
       Don’t forget, if you would like your very own Gopher home 
       or you just want to learn more about the world you have traveled to,
       , take a journey on over to 
 (DIR)  gopherproject.org
       , and embrace this  “wonder land” that is Gopher!
       Thanks for dropping by, please come again soon!