Welcome to the gopherspace of
        ___         _        ___                                
       | _ \  ___  | |__    / __|  __ _   _  _   ___   _ _   ___
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       |_|_\ \___/ |_.__/   |___/ \__,_|  \_, | \___| |_|   /__/
       "Use the Gopher protocol. Because Google doesn't own us yet, thank God."
                                                               -Cameron Kaiser
       Welcome to my gopherhole.  Feel free to look around
       Email me at rsayers@robsayers.com if you have any questions
       I'm in the middle of shifting things around since moving to sdf
       Please excuse the dust for a while.
 (TXT) About Me
 (DIR) Pics
 (TXT) My GPG/PGP Public Key
       Misc. Geeky things
 (DIR) My Tandy Model 100
 (TXT) My Computers
 (TXT) Why Public Domain
 (DIR) Programs I have released
 (DIR) Collection of Programming PDFs
 (DIR) 2009 RetroChallenge