Tuesday, June 04th, 2013
       Another month (well, two...) another phlog post. Despite my best intentions
       I managed to do a bunch of stuff besides working on my gopher site. Among 
       the timesinks I found myself fiddling with was pump.io, the node.js-based
       replacement for status.net. Since I'd clobbered my SN instance a while back
       (due to RAM requirements) I went ahead and gave it a whirl. As expected,
       pump uses more RAM than my 128MB vps can spare, so I tried installing it
       on my 2G vps alongside kiddo's minecraft server. That worked okay, after
       some fiddling about, and one pretty good "derp" moment when I remembered
       I had yet to open a hole in iptables for SSL. When one pays proper 
       attention to detail, pump.io is a friggin breeze to get running. I think
       Evan's got a winner on his hands here. Just like my statusnet, and twitter,
       and facebook, and G+, and countless other social thingies, there is little
       to no chance I'd ever actually use it for anything though, so I ended up
       shutting it back down. At least I can say I once got a node.js app up and
       running though. I'll just wait until Identi.ca migrates over to pump.io 
       and then I'll continue to not be social on that account as well. No reason
       to horn in on the minecraft resources. Ha.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, April 04th, 2013
       I don't really read very many books. But until recently I did own an
       e-reader, a Kindle keyboard that I got for christmas 2011. In the 
       year or so that I had it I did end up reading a lot more than I 
       thought I might though, including The Pickwick Papers by Dickens
       (Hey, I'm proud, that's a fat friggin book!).
 (TXT) Continued...
           Monday, April 01th, 2013
       Yup, another entry. Another test even, cause I forgot to fix the
       permissions of gophermap_header. That's been done now, so maybe
       it'll do it this time?
 (TXT) Continued...
           Monday, April 01th, 2013
       Seems I don't even have permission to view mkgopherentry. I did
       find a copy (apparently) /1/users/wt/soft/gopher/ which gave me
       a tip that it may look for a file named gophermap_header to put
       at the top. I made that, we'll see what happens shortly.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Monday, April 01th, 2013
       This is a test post to see what mkgopherentry does when there's
       a header in phlog/gophermap
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           Monday, April 01th, 2013
       Posted on the oneth of April. Awesome!
 (TXT) Continued...
           Monday, April 01th, 2013
       Or something. Yeah, after a year or so of mulling it over I'm finally
       giving this gopher thing a real shot. I dunno, I guess I'm just feeling
       nostalgic or something. I may break the Nintendo out later and shoot
       some ducks too.
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