Friday, October 14th, 2022
       Day 3 of Command Line Week.  Spent some time learning a bit about t
       How to attach to detached terminals.  How to link TTYs.  Something 
       that. Might spend the evening with the TOPS20 tutorial.  Or PACMAN.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, October 13th, 2022
       10/13/2022 Day 2 of Command Line Week.  I re-learned some of 
       the tmux commands and started setting up my gopher site and 
       phlog.  Figuring out the dang syntax for a directory link 
       almost made me pull out some of my own hair.  Fortunately, 
       it's working now.  I also copied a script over called 
       mkgopherentry that, as the name implies, makes an entry at 
       the top of the directory's gophermap.  It also adds today's 
       date, so maybe I can leave that off tomorrow.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Wednesday, October 12th, 2022
       10/12/2022 Day 1 of Command Line Week.  I did nothing.  
       Well, I signed into my sdf account for the first time in a 
       long time and used pine to read all the email.  Still 
       haven't set up the pi.
 (TXT) Continued...