X-Clacks-Overhead "GNU Terry Pratchett"
           ____             __     _________ 
          / __ \____  _____/ /_   /__  / __ \
         / /_/ / __ \/ ___/ __/     / / / / /
        / ____/ /_/ / /  / /_      / / /_/ / 
       /_/    \____/_/   \__/     /_/\____/   
       Welcome to Port 70! You'll dig it...
       Some resources to get you started:
 (DIR) Floodgap Systems' gopher server
 (DIR) MetaFilter
 (DIR) Gopherpedia
 (DIR) Gopherddit
 (DIR) Super-Dimensional Fortress: SDF Gopherspace
 (DIR) quux.org gopher server
 (DIR) The Gopher Project
 (DIR) Pygopherd Home
 (TXT) RIP Traditional UMN Home Master Gopher
 (HTM) Where Have all the Gophers Gone?
 (HTM) HOWTO: Make a weblog a gopherlog
 (ERR) ~skk's tilde.land gopherhole
 (ERR) Gopher Tutorial
       Welcome to the world of Gopher and enjoy!