        FOSDEM - day 2
        2018.02.07 21:08:03 CET
        Last Sunday was the second day of FOSDEM, but I only got down to
        typing this post today. I participated in the key signing party and
        spent my hours after the conference automating the job of signing,
        exporting and mailing keys. After four hours I had an MVP, but found
        out about Pius [1] which already had less bugs and more features than
        mine, so I decided to use it.
        Besides the key party, I spent most of the day in the Decentralized
        Internet and Privacy devroom. I had to arrive early to find a seat,
        about 1 hour before the first talk. Unfortunately I felt the devroom
        could have been better organized, or maybe it's because it became
        clear to me a Panel would have been the best thing to start the day.
        A Panel about terminology and goal. The term "decentralized" was used
        throughout the day, but with very different meanings. These are some
        of the meanings used:
        1. Network centric: more smaller AS'es, exchanging traffic in IXP's.
        2. Federated: exchange of information between distinct systems.
        3. Anti-trust: some companies are becoming too big and host too much
        4. Anti-capitalist: against any type of private enterprise.
        5. Anarchist: against any type of hierarchical organization.
        Unless the audience was paying attention, it was easy to become
        confused as speakers did not state their definitions explicitly and
        there were only a few moments when questions from the audience made
        it clear there was a problem.
        There was plenty of the usual propaganda, for example open-source and
        free-software are not the same thing, but this is FOSDEM so I just
        ignored it.
        I was not impressed, but hope it will be better next year. I am
        willing to help, but my opinion seems to go against what many of the
        track organizers believe, so I'm not sure I'll be welcome.
        [1] https://www.phildev.net/pius/