        Forgot everything
        2018.02.20 21:11:02 CET
        Yesterday evening and this morning I had a very uncomfortable
        situation. After getting home from work, my blood pressure dropped -
        probably because I had not eaten well during the day. Besides the
        usual symptoms of low blood pressure, this time I had verbal aphasia.
        During the aphasia episode, I could think what I would like to say, I
        had ideas, but I could not recall the words to say anything. I forgot
        all words. I had one other episode like this when I was in my young
        teens and it was just as terrifying. I took some medication, went to
        bed and slept.
        This morning I woke up much better and able to speak. When to my home
        office, start my work day, but I could not recall many things. I
        couldn't remember what laptop was mine, what was my work machine,
        what my passwords were (my personal password, my work password, my
        password manager key). Amnesia. I tried muscle memory and I could
        recall parts of my password manager key, but I couldn't remember it
        or type it.
        Spent the morning looking for a hard-copy of my passwords, but I also
        could not remember where I had placed it. After hours of
        contemplating what it would be to start my digital life from zero, I
        had already accepted that reality.
        Then, suddenly, it all came back to me. Out of the blue.
        My reliability engineer mindset went overdrive to improve all my
        procedure to handle this failure scenario and I've already
        implemented changes. I'm feeling much safer now, but tomorrow I
        have a doctor appointment to check my brain out.