        Rowing in the wrong direction
        2019.10.02 20:36:16 CEST
        Maybe not the wrong direction, but at least not the best one.
        The last quarter of 2019 has begun. This week I'm doing my usual
        quarterly personal and professional planning. On the personal side,
        my goals are clear but I can already see how I won't deliver the
        yearly objectives I set for myself in January.
        On the professional side however things are messy. My plate is full,
        but I don't like what's on it. Not because I don't like the work
        itself, but because I don't feel they are the best use of my
        abilities nor will they help me progress in my career.
        I could just shut up and do the work, but I know what will happen
        next: one month into the quarter and I won't feel motivated to
        Tomorrow I need to re-plan this quarter. Drop non important work.
        How are your Q4 plans?